Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Key Elements:

To maintain a high levels of organic traffic on your website, you will really want to invest in looking at your SEO key fundamentals.

These include elements such as :

  • Quality Content on your Website: Such as images with quality alt text and descriptions, correct H1,H2,H3,P settings, video.

  • Relevant Keywords: Using keywords that align with your business model or industry. I.E, If you are in high-end accommodation using keywords such as “High-end accommodation” along with your specific region/country. Also identifying non-keywords (or negative keywords) such as “cheap/low-end accommodation” in this instance.

  • Meta Titles and Description: Extremely important aspect here. Meta-tags define metadata in HTML, which help link your website to users looking for similar products/services. Meta titles/descriptions are relays on users search results to help communicate the topic of a webpage.

  • Social Media: Exposure helps display your businesses branding and identity. This helps users deem your business to be more trustworthy and reliable for interaction.

If you need help with your SEO growth, speak to us today! There are massive benefits in growing your websites SEO. Including, higher search rankings so you can stand out amongst your competitors!

RJ xx


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